Is blogging easy?
Hell yeah! it is easy. just need little bit of time investment. if you can sit on your pc for an hour or 2 then you can be blogger. do not worry, your time investment will be paid back. in this blog post i will tell you that how can you start making money with blogging right away.
First step to start blogging
IF you are ready to spent time on your pc then buckle up. you can be rich buy blogging. ig you are not ready for blogging then you will be after reading this post till end. there are thousands of blogger that are earning in millions from there blogs. you can earn that too.
The first step you have to do is to buy a domain for your blog because if you use hosted account then it will be really less profitable because the company providing you space for blogging will take a part of your earnings but if your bought a domain then you will get full money you earned.
Second step.
Create a google adsense account and get it approved because it is one the major ads provider. There are many alternatives too, to know more click here.
if your adsence account is somehow not approved then go for a alternative for ads.
Once your adsence account is approved then the other step is to get your site or blog approved by google adsence.
actually thats the problem here. it is actually a bit hard to get your site approved. for countries like india and china the blog must be six months old to be approved so if you are not from india or china then it is easy for you guys.
Third step.
Third step is all about the topic you chose for blog. you should probably chose the topic that you know about.
but if you wanna make blog for money only then it is really important to chose a right topic for your blog.
most you you have heard a word called NICHE.
NICHE is the topic of your blog or category of your blog. suppose if your blog is about technology then your CPC will be high but if your NICHE is some kind of food blog or health blog then your CPC will be low.
cpc is the cost per click. cpc is the term by which your earnings depend. the more clicks you get the more you earn.
so, be careful while choosing the topic for your blog.
1. Start a blog on WordPress instead of any other site because WordPress is more user friendly
2.update your blogs regularly to maintain organic traffic. and write posts at least once in a week or daily.
3. Never buy fake traffic to earn more, you can banned on adsence for suck stuff.
5.Never copy anyone else posts beacuse for this you could be ignored but google search bots.
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